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Marine development
Our approach to marine advice
Environmental Impact Assessment for marine development
Scoping and preparing an Environmental Impact Assessment for marine development
Sector guidance
Marine aggregate extraction
Offshore wind developments
Marine renewable energy developments
Tidal lagoon development in Wales: information to support environmental assessments
Consenting and assessments
Tidal lagoon development in Wales: information to support environmental assessments
Applying for a marine licence for projects using adaptive management or project phasing
Using adaptive management for marine developments
Assessing coastal squeeze
Conservation Advice for European marine sites (Reg 37)
Terms used in Wales for marine and coastal enhancement
Core principles for including restoration or enhancement in a marine or coastal development proposal
Marine licensing
At sea bird surveys for marine developments: when you need to conduct a survey
Benthic habitat assessments for marine developments
Harbour porpoise: assessing the effect from underwater noise on their behaviour
Marine mammal mortality and adverse effect on site integrity
Marine mammal management units in habitat regulations assessments
Marine mammals: assessing the effects of hearing injury from underwater noise for environmental assessments
Managing sediment: marine coastal and estuarine
Marine and coastal physical processes assessments
Marine vertebrate conservation legislation in Wales
Landscape assessments and guidance
Data for assessments
Assessing Welsh aquaculture activities
Marine ecology datasets for marine developments
Indicative feature condition assessments for European marine sites (EMS)
Evidence, research and reports
Marine and coastal evidence reports
Marine and coastal evidence priorities
Mapping environmental considerations for marine planning
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