Circular Waste Solutions Limited - Liquid Waste Treatment Facility, Circular Waste Solutions, Titanium Road, Waunarlwydd, Swansea, SA5 4SF

Advertisement of a draft determination: Circular Waste Solutions Limited

Application number: PAN-022087
Regulated facility type: Installation - Section 5.3 A(1)(a)(ii): Disposal or recovery of hazardous waste with a capacity exceeding 10 tonnes per day involving physico-chemical treatment; and; Section 5.6 A(1) (a) Temporary storage of hazardous waste with a total capacity exceeding 50 tonnes pending any of the activities listed in Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and paragraph (b).
Regulated facility location: Liquid Waste Treatment Facility, Circular Waste Solutions, Titanium Road, Waunarlwydd, Swansea, SA5 4SF

This application seeks a permit to operate an installation which will receive, treat and store hazardous and non-hazardous liquid wastes.

We are minded to grant the permit.  We will only grant a permit if we believe that significant pollution will not be caused and the operator has the ability to meet the conditions of the permit. Any permit we grant will include appropriate conditions to protect human health and the environment.

Information placed in the public register for consultation:

  • Draft permit  
  • Draft decision document

You can see the draft permit and draft decision document free of charge, from our online public register. You can search for the documents using the application details, above. Or you can request a copy of the information from us. This may take time to process and there could be a charge.

If you have any comments please send these by 15 August 2024.


Or write to:

Installations and RSR Team Leader
Permitting Service
Natural Resources Wales
Crown Buildings
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ

Last updated