Radnor Forest Resource Plan - Approved 19 August 2019

Location and setting

Radnor Forest Resource Plan (FRP) covers 1603 ha and is comprised of Radnor main block, Glog Hill, The Whimble, Smatcher and Warren Wood.  The Radnor blocks are located to the south of the A488 Crossgates to Knighton road and just to the north of the A44.  The forests form a backdrop to the communities of New Radnor, Kinnerton, Bleddfa and Monaughty.

The surrounding habitat is a mixture of unimproved farmland and upland heath.  On the southern plateau of Radnor main block, the forest abuts the Radnor Forest SSSI heathland and the MOD firing range.

The Radnor FRP area sits within the Powys County Council boundary.

Summary of objectives

The management objectives have been agreed to maintain and enhance the resilience of ecosystems and the benefits they provide:

  • Carry out phased removal of larch in anticipation of further Phytophthora ramorum infection, in line with the Larch Reduction Strategy.  Engage with local communities during this process.

  • Increase structural diversity through LISS management in identified stands.

  • Increase areas identified for thinning within the 5-year thinning plan to enable LISS management and PAWs restoration.

  • Continue to maintain a sustainable supply of timber production through design of felling and restock species choice.

  • Diversify the forest species composition to increase resilience to pests and diseases whilst building a robust forest for future generations.

  • Retain an unplanted buffer strip of 30m where the forest meets Radnor forest SSSI (at point of restock).

  • Continue to work with Forest Research to facilitate experimental sites.

  • Continue to maintain and extend infrastructure for deer management in the forest, enabling population control and providing habitat connectivity.

  • Use opportunities to locate broadleaf woodland to connect hedgerow habitats and improve resilience.

  • Maintain promoted trails and keep the sightlines and viewpoints clear. Consider ride/verge management along the trail, with potential for keeping the trail as open as possible.

  • Monitor levels of off-road illegal trespass.

Comments or feedback

If you have any comments or feedback, you can contact the Forest Resource Planning team at frp@naturalresourceswales.gov.uk

Last updated