Annual regulation report 2023

As part of our commitment to transparency, we publish an annual regulation report, offering a comprehensive overview of our regulatory and enforcement activities.

Our 2023 report (our seventh) reflects our statutory regulatory duties and summarises our:

  • incident response
  • permitting and licensing
  • compliance
  • crime and enforcement and sanctioning actions

This is based on data from our key incident, permitting, compliance and enforcement systems, and covers the period 1 January to 31 December 2023 (unless specified). In addition, we have used qualitative information from our subject matter experts and relevant projects.

2023 in numbers

Water quality and water resources

We are committed to protecting and enhancing water quality and managing resources in Wales. Our efforts include monitoring water bodies for environmental standards, controlling pollution, and responding to quality incidents.

We regulate water abstraction to balance the needs of people, industry, and ecosystems, particularly during droughts.

Our goal is to maintain healthy rivers, lakes, and coastal waters, protect aquatic ecosystems, and ensure sustainable water resources for future generations.

  • 39% (3,318) of all incidents report to us related to water

  • 1,220, water incidents attended by us

  • 1,242 active full abstraction licences were in force

  • 99 water resources licence conditions were assessed, with 56% found to be non-compliant

  • 37% increase in the number of water discharge permits we assessed

  • 439 breaches were recorded for 338 non-compliant discharge permits

  • 41 enforcement charges related to water

  • 23% of all enforcement cases (831) related to water (190)

Waste and industry

We regulate waste and industry to minimise environmental impacts and ensure compliance with laws. We respond to waste incidents, monitor illegal activities like waste burning, and oversee permits to ensure everyone follows the rules.

We manage waste carrier registrations and exemptions, areas of growth. We also track non-compliance with permits and regulate waste charges to maintain standards and protect natural resources in Wales.

  • 36% of all incidents reported to us related to waste

  • 3,051 incidents reported and we attended 612

  • 92 compliance assessments were completed at 68 intensive farming sites

  • 363 effective installation permits

  • 650 competed compliance assessments for installation permits

  • 83% of all permitted installations sites assessed by us

  • 32% of reported activity was related to illegal waste sites

  • 2,541 new waste carrier, broker and dealer registrations

  • 31% increase in the number of waste exemptions registered

  • 377 non-compliances with permit conditions were recorded against waste operation permits

  • 399 enforcement charges were related to waste

Land, biodiversity and fisheries

We protect land, biodiversity, and fisheries. Our management ensures ecosystem health and tackles land degradation.

We monitor biodiversity and safeguard threatened species and habitats. In fisheries, we regulate practices and manage fish populations in Welsh waters. Through habitat restoration and species conservation, we enhance natural landscapes and biodiversity in Wales.

  • 520 recorded incidents related to agriculture

  • 524 recorded incidents related to forestry

  • 34 recorded incidents related to biodiversity

  • 1,892 species licenses issued

  • 519 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) consents and 441 SSSI assents issued

  • 263 agriculture enforcement charges

  • 216 statutory plant health notices issued

  • 180 forestry licence and notice inspections

  • 2,008 rod licence checks (evasion rate of 4%)

  • 250 related incidents

  • 78 fish kill incidents

  • 94 fisheries enforcement charges

Incident response and enforcement

Our enforcement efforts can sometimes stretch across multiple reporting periods. This is especially true when our officers are engaged in intricate investigations, particularly those that connect with other agencies like the Police and Local Authorities. There may be a longer gap between the initial incident and the final resolution of the enforcement response.

  • 8,505 incidents reported to us

  • 29% of all incidents attended (2,448)

  • 75% of total incidents reported came from water and waste

  • 831 new enforcement cases

  • 1,267 separate enforcement charges

  • 799 offenders

  • 85 prosecution cases comprising 126 charges

  • Four custodial sentences

  • £648,320 of fines imposed

  • 400+ warning letters or notices sent to secure improvements and aid compliance

Flood, reservoirs and marine

We play a vital role in managing flood risks, ensuring reservoir safety, and protecting our marine environments. Our flood work involves monitoring and forecasting events, maintaining flood defences, and working hand-in-hand with communities to help them prepare for and respond to flooding effectively. We also issue flood risk activity permits for certain work near or in watercourses in Wales.

We ensure reservoir safety through regular inspections and diligent enforcement of regulations to prevent potential issues. In the marine sector, we monitor water quality, support biodiversity, and regulate fishing and development activities, protecting habitats and promoting sustainable marine resource use.

  • 229 incidents were related to flooding

  • 136% increase in flood related incidents reported

  • 144 compliance checks on flood risk activity permits classed as high-risk

  • 81 operators complied with the conditions of their flood risk activity permits (FRAP)

  • 173 marine licence applications were received

  • 24 inspection reports received from high-risk reservoirs

  • 420 reservoirs registered and regulated as large raised reservoirs (increased from 224)

  • 67% of large raised reservoirs were designated as high risk reservoirs

  • 218 flood risk activity permits (FRAP) issued

  • 2 supervising engineers appointed at two reservoirs in default of the undertaker

Download the full report

Download the full annual regulation report for 2023 including:

  • how we categorise incidents  
  • our enforcement and sanctions approach
  • enforcement case studies
  • permitting our own activities
  • prosecution outcomes
Last updated